All in Germany

Milsani Chocolade Melk

Chalky, but fairly creamy. Unfortunately carries a modest sour undertone that is not one of dark chocolate, but one that approaches (but doesn't breach) the boozy zone. It’s a minor gripe, but noticeable when compared with several peers in one sitting.

Jumbo Chocolade Melk Vol

Thicker but relatively full of flavor, which makes the viscosity compromise much less of an issue. Not too many other surprises, but it achieves what it sets out to do— provide a solid chocolate milk at a low, private-label price.

McEnnedy Chocolate Milkshake

Highly emulsified, unnatural feel, and a super-sweet, melted-marshmallow-esque flavor that is noticeably better than others I’ve had in this genre (American Style, Milbona Shake, etc.). I would expect young kids to enjoy this, but then again, young kids sometimes enjoy finger-painting with their own feces.

Nutrilett Smart Meal Rich Chocolate Flavoured Shake

Somewhat velvety feel (initially) and a flavor that approaches cocoa, then skulks away to a nearby damp corner. Eventually, the chalk becomes evident, but by then, you begin to warm to the flavor, and the texture is still pseudo-milky but not to an egregious extent. Mixed feelings, but overall it tasted better than most with low expectations would…expect.

Mad-Croc Milk Cacao Energy Drink

Creamy taste, milky feel, and plenty of cocoa flavor to boot. You wouldn’t know that this drink comes from a can. You also wouldn’t know that it contains taurine / caffeine-- that is, until after you're finished, when your tongue feels a little numbed, and there's a little extra bounce in your step.

Ehrmann High Protein Shot Chocolate

Creamy, almost 'airy' feel-- which is unique, as most protein-enriched chocolate milks feel dense or gummy. Lightly sweet with identifiable cocoa, this is a welcome surprise as it doesn't carry too much unnecessary baggage from a flavor standpoint. Definitely feels more indulgent than the label lets on.

Weetabix On the Go Chocolate

Plenty of grit, plenty of other reasons to never drink this again. No sweetness, no cocoa, no salt, moderate cream. Weetabix is a popular brand in the UK, and this product perfectly conveys the British value of 'suffering for the sake of doing so.’ Drink this for ‘street cred’ if you must, but if it’s flavor you’re after, you're better off tonguing the coin return slot of a bus station payphone.

Twix Shake

Tries too hard to be flavorful, and misses the mark on how the experience should be. It’s strongly sweet and salty, but the caramel aspect feels underdeveloped and the chocolate and cookie notions are absent. The texture is far from milky, but more of a syrupy medium with odd-feeling physical properties.

FruVita Czekoladowym Milk Shake

That same gummy, liquid-marshmallowy nastiness that I’ve grown accustomed to throughout Europe, as there are so many products that seem to be this exact formulation (or derivatives thereof). The packaging is neat and enticing here, but that's where the fun ends.

Milfina Schokolade Milkshake

Flavor is slightly better than some of the other cupped milkshakes I've had in recent times, but the goopy thickness is difficult for me to get past. There are way more indulgent tasting products that don't carry nearly the caloric price tag that this does.

Kambaku Power Coccao

A remarkable drink in many respects-- it has a unique ingredient list (including caffeine and marula fruit puree) and also an unusual nutritional profile (4.1g fat, 5.7g protein, 163mg calcium per 100mL). The taste is creamy, decently chocolaty, and has a tiny hint of Bailey’s Irish Cream flavor. All in all, one to remember, and one to seek out if you’re in the Vienna area.

Nupo One Meal Low Calorie Cocoa

Great texture, but the flavor is where things go pear-shaped. The taste is akin to a sour vitamin (congruent with the product's scent, at least) and the sweetener makes me salivate post-swallow. Reminds me of when you get hit in the nose and your eyes immediately water, though you're not ‘crying’ per se.

Spar Budget Milch Shake Schoko

Extremely thick, but maintains some creamy aspect which is the drink’s high point. There’s really no cocoa flavor, or no other flavor in particular that comes to the surface. It is like a toned-down, more pleasant version of the nasty thick cupped milkshakes that plague much of northern and central Europe.

Milk Shake Schoko

Any thicker and you'd require a spoon— not how chocolate milk (or shakes) should be. The thickness dominates the experience, which frankly doesn’t have much else to offer. It's more ‘hazelnutty’ than chocolaty and over-sweetened to boot.